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Pecan Revenue Protection 

For pecan acreage to be insured, the trees must be grown in an orchard that is a minimum of 1 contiguous acre. Insurable trees must have produced a minimum of 600 pounds of in-shell pecans per acre in at least 1 of the previous 4 crop years, except that some states may allow a lower minimum production amount through the Special Provisions. You must insure all the pecan acreage (in which you have a share) in the county where your pecans are grown for harvest. If pecan revenue insurance is not available in your county or your acreage does not meet the minimum insurability requirements, you may be able to get insurance through a written agreement.



You are protected against the following:

  • Adverse weather conditions from natural perils such as hail, frost, freeze, wind, drought, and excess moisture;

  • Decline in market price;

  • Failure of irrigation water supply, if caused by an insured peril during the insurance period;

  • Fire, unless weeds and undergrowth are not controlled or unmulched pruning debris is not removed from the orchard;

  • Insects, but not damage due to insufficient or improper application of pest control measures.

  • Plant disease, but not damage due to insufficient or improper application of disease control measures.

  • Wildlife.

  • Earthquake; or

  • Volcanic eruption.

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